UWB powered ground positioning

Based on ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, Pinpoint enables the accurate,
secure and reliable position data that today's navigation systems need. Go

SATlets are simply set up step-by-step, powered and mounted. Everything else is set automatically, so installation is quick and easy.


State-of-the-art fusion and filtering algorithms achieve positioning accuracy of up to 30 cm.


By applying the GPS principle, the position calculation is performed decentrally in the end devices of the users. This means that positioning does not depend on a central compute server and there are no limits to the scaling of the end devices.


By calculating the position on the end devices, users can decide for themselves how to handle it and who to provide it to. In this way, the Pinpoint solution respects strict privacy regulations, simplifying the adoption of this technology for building operators and integrators.

How it works

1. Preparation

In the first step, the building floor plan can be loaded into the software and dimensioned appropriately.

2. Installation

The SATlets can be placed on the floor plan using drag & drop and then configured via Bluetooth/UWB. After that, the installation in the building takes place directly.

3. Checking

After installing the first SATlets, positioning in the tool can be started immediately and the quality can be checked.

4. App-Integration

For app developers who usually work with global WGS-84 position data, a tool for global fitting of the positioning system is available. The tool then exports the appropriate parameters for the Pinpoint SDKs.

Pinpoint Prototyping Kit

For quick and easy integration into your products and apps

UWB untracked indoor navigation

Event & Entertainment

Mobility & Public Infrastructure