Precise, scalable and secure indoor navigation
in the event and entertainment sector

Our solutions for sport arenas, convention centers, exhibition grounds,
theme parks, festival areas, concert halls, venues, resorts.

Highlighting point of sales for visitors

Precise positioning will enable navigation and information services for visitors, providing them with targeted routing to their arranged meetups, reserved seating or even snacks.
People on fair

Analysis of flows of people

By releasing their own anonymized position, visitors can take advantage of value-added services offered by stadiums and trade shows, such as "food-delivery-to-phone". Event organizers, in turn, benefit from the analysis of the flow of people and can thus optimize their locations and services.

Automatic access control without delay

In trade fairs, stadiums or airports, flows of people are obstructed by classic ticket controls, causing significant delays in access and enormous personnel costs. Pinpoint technology makes it possible to automate and secure access control on a location- and person-specific basis and thus implement it much more cost-effectively and quickly.
Access by mobile phone

UWB untracked indoor navigation

Event & Entertainment

Mobility & Public Infrastructure